Stock Move Express Android requires a smart phone or tablet running Google's Android operating system. The device must have Bluetooth and will need internet access via mobile data or WiFi.
To download Stock Move Express Android:
Alternatively browse to this page on your phone or tablet and click here.
The app is powered by NLMD-LT, meaning everything recorded within the app can be viewed and reported online. If you already have a NLMD-LT or WLBP Farm Records account:
Otherwise to register for a free account:
To make the app easier to use it is recommended that you follow the steps below to configure your NLMD-LT account:
Setup holdings
Set the address of each of your holdings. This is important as it controls which version of the holding register is generated. If you didn't at registration, you can also add holdings / species that you are responsible for maintaining the holding register for. To setup holdings:
Configure favourites
You can configure favourites that will appear in drop down lists within the app to save you from having to remember holding CPH numbers and other details you use regularly. To configure favourites:
To get any changed favourites onto your phone or tablet, from the app front screen select 'Settings' , 'Refresh Favourites'.
Cattle from BCMS
Import Animals from List
If you have groups of animals that arrived on farm on different dates or have different dates of birth, breeds or genders you can run the import multiple times for each group of animals. For additional import options, you can use the import animals page on the NLMD-LT website.
Please note: You must have a mobile data signal of WiFi connection to use the import animals screen. You should only use the import animals screen for your initial import of animals, when new animals come on farm you should record this using the birth or movement recording screen.
You can use the app to view details of animals on your holdings. Sometimes the details on the phone or tablet will become out of date if you record information via the NLMD-LT website or other farm software. To refresh the details of animal on holding:
For details on how to import your existing animals onto NLMD-LT click here.
The app can accept EID's of individual identified animals via Bluetooth from the Shearwell Data EID Stick Reader (SDL400S). Before you can use the phone or tablet with a particular Stick Reader you must "pair" them - an easy procedure you will only have to do once.
The app settings screen allows you to configure how the app works. To get to the setting screen, press the 'Settings' button on the Stock Move Express main screen, you then have the following options:
Stock Move Express needs Google Play Services installed to enable the app to function correctly. If you get an error message on the Stock Move Express main screen indicating that it is not installed:
Animal identifiers can be added to a request (e.g. movement) in four different ways. Press the 'Add Animals' button in the appropriate recording action then:
Import EID's from stick reader memory
If you have the Stick Reader model that contains an internal memory, you can read the animals into groups on the reader then download a particular group to the phone or tablet. To add a group from Stick Reader memory:
Read the EID tags live
Alternatively you can use the live read option to add animals as you read them on the stick reader. To do this:
Entering tags numbers for new animals not on holding
Entering tags numbers for known animals on holding
If you want to search by management identifier / tag:
Add batch identified animals (Sheep only)
This method can be used if the animals are batch identified or you are only required to record the event on a batch basis.
Add tag range (only available for sheep movement or tag application)
This method can be used when applying a number of tags in the same request and enables you to quicky add a range of tags.
Data recorded will not appear on your NLMD-LT holding / herd register until it is sent to NLMD-LT. You can send a request (e.g. movement) in one of the following ways:
Immediately after recording
After recording a request press the 'Send' button. This will save the request to your phone or tablet, which will try to immediately send it to NLMD-LT. To use this option you need mobile internet signal or a WiFi connection. If trying to send fails due to lack of signal the request will be saved locally and you will be able to try to send it again later from the 'Unsent' list.
Later from the unsent list
After recording a request press the 'Save' or 'Send' button. Later when you have mobile internet signal or WiFi connection, select the 'Unsent' tab then press 'Send All' or select each request to send and press the 'Send' button.
When a request is sent to NLMD-LT, one of the following results will be returned:
Sheep movements can be forwarded to the relevant statutory database. In England this is ARAMS, in Scotland it is ScotEID and in Wales it is EIDCymru. To enable this, you must first configure the relevant forwarding details for ARAMS, EIDCymru or ScotEID. To forward a request you then just record and send the request to NLMD-LT as normal. When the request is successfully sent, a message similar to this will appear:
'Now' will trigger the request to be immediately forwarded to the indicated statutory database. 'Later' will not send the request, you can trigger it to be sent via the website or by finding the request in the 'Alerts' tab and pressing the 'Forward' button. 'Never' will not forward the request but the data recorded will still appear in your holding register.
If this message doesn't appear, the request has not been forwarded. This could be because you have not set up forwarding for the particular holding involved or you are sending animals to a market or collection centre in England. You can view and print a completed movement document form either by using the view sent movements screen within the app or by logging in to the website and selecting Reports > Movements.
Cattle births, movements and deaths can be forwarded to BCMS, before this can be done you must setup BCMS. To send a request to BCMS, record and send the request to NLMD-LT as normal. When the request is successfully sent the following message will appear:
'Now' will trigger the request to be sent to BCMS immediately. 'Later' will not send the request to BCMS, you can trigger it to be sent via the website or by finding the request in the 'Alerts' tab and pressing the 'Forward to BCMS' button.'Never' will not send the request to BCMS, the data recorded will still appear in your herd register.If this message doesn't appear, the request has not been forwarded to BCMS. This could be because you haven't setup BCMS for the particular holding involved or NLMD-LT found errors with the request.
Requests aren't sent to BCMS immediately and BCMS sometimes take up to 24 hours to process and return the result. When BCMS have processed your request, NLMD-LT will send a notification to your phone or tablet informing you of the result. This notification will appear at the top of the device in the notification area.
To see the result, pull down the notification area and press the stock move notification.
The result notification contains the BCMS Receipt ID and BCMS status, if the BCMS status is success and there is a receipt ID it means the request was successfully sent to BCMS. If BCMS reported error, press the 'View Warning/Error' button to see details of the errors reported. To resolve any errors you will need to login to the NLMD-LT website and select Manage Holdings > BCMS > Send / Review Result, for details see the sending to BCMS guide.
If you don't receive a notification of the BCMS result within 24 hours, you should manually check the BCMS status by selecting the 'Alerts' tab, then the appropriate request then press the 'Check BCMS Status' button.
If you have cattle, you can configure the app / NLMD-LT to send any births, movements and deaths to BCMS. You will need to have registered to use the BCMS CTS Online Service to obtain your username and password. To set up BCMS reporting, first make sure you are connected to the Internet and then:
For a detailed guide on how to configure and use BCMS click here.
You can use comments (notes) to group animals or record that something has happened to particular animals.
You can view comments within the animal details screen, or when adding animals to an event (e.g. treatment) you will see any comment colour flags within the tag list and pressing on the tag will display all comments.
Weights can be entered manually or by connecting to a Bluetooth enabled Weigh Head
If the weight is being read automatically via Bluetooth, you can use the Refresh button to request the weight again.
Management groups allow your to group animals together by whatever criteria you want. An animal can be in any number of groups.
You cannot currently use groups within the app to record an event. However you can record or report using the group on the NLMD-LT website.
Sheep tag application / births can be recorded in two ways. Simple mode can be used if you want to record a group of sheep of the same breed that were born in the same month and year. Otherwise you can use the management info mode to record details such as gender, breed, dam and sire for each individual animal.
Simple mode
With management info mode
If you have sheep in England, you can configure the app / NLMD-LT to send your sheep movements to ARAMS. You will need to have registered with the ARAMS website to obtain your ARAMS username and password. To set up ARAMS reporting, first make sure you are connected to the Internet and then:
For a detailed guide on how to configure and use ARAMS click here.
If you have sheep in Wales, you can configure the app / NLMD-LT to send your sheep movements to EIDCymru. You will need to have registered with the EIDCymru website to obtain a username and password. To set up EIDCymru reporting, first make sure you are connected to the Internet and then:
For a detailed guide on how to configure and use EIDCymru, click here.
If you have sheep in Scotland, you can configure the app / NLMD-LT to send your sheep tag applications, deaths and movements to ScotEID. You will need to have registered with the ScotEID website to obtain your ScotEID username and password. To set up ScotEID reporting, first make sure you are connected to the Internet and then:
For a detailed guide on how to configure and use ScotEID, click here.
Sheep movements can be recorded in two different modes, by default it is configured to allow you to enter the details on the sheep movement document. If you just want to record the data required by the holding register you can switch to the simple version by selecting Settings then ticking 'Simple Sheep Movements'.
Sheep movements must also be sent to the relevant statutory database. In England this is ARAMS (Animal Reporting and Movement Service), in Scotland it is ScotEID and in Wales it is EIDCymru. If you have correctly configured the forwarding settings for NLMD-LT, sheep movements will be forwarded to the correct statutory database after sending it to NLMD-LT. You should not use simple sheep movements if you want to report movements to a statutory database.
You can view and print a completed movement document form either by using the view sent movements screen within the app or by logging in to the website and selecting Reports > Movements.
To make it easier for you to select holding and haulier details within the app, use the configure favourites page on your computer.
If animals are missing, try downloading animal details.
To export / share a list of tag numbers to an email, text message etc: